Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sun Protection Can Be Fun

My mother had skin cancer. She had multiple bouts of malignant melanoma and had many different kinds of treatments over the years that were all very unpleasant. She was not a sun worshiper. Most of the damage to her skin was the result of working the fields as a girl and the usual sun exposure that everyone gets from driving a car.

I have a very fair complexion; in fact, I often describe it as "fish-belly white." I sunburn easily and always try to protect my skin. To complicate matters, I am also sensitive to many sunscreen products. I wear a makeup with an SPF15 protection factor. In addition, when I'm outside for very long, I wear long sleeves and a hat. My favorite hat is a big floppy straw hat.

A few weeks ago, when we went to the Texas Antique Festival, I wore my favorite hat. It was about a 90 minute drive in each direction. Our Little Princess E snagged my hat and had some fun on the way home.

I just love it when kids find ways to entertain themselves.

I'm still struggling to get over this cold. I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow and ask for a shot and a prednisone pack. We leave for New Hampshire on Wednesday. I'm determined to get well before I get on that plane.
